June 2nd, 2022
10:00 am
Guy du Plessis, MA;
Kevin G. Webb, LCSW
Our presentation provides an brief overview of a novel relapse prevention and addiction recovery intervention called the Recovery Resilience Program (RRP). The RRP is an application of Mind-Body Bridging and was developed at the I-System Institute for Transdisciplinary Studies, Utah State University. At the core of a RRP are coping and self-regulations skills, called recovery resilience skills. The practice of recovery resilience skills builds “recovery resilience,” which we conceptualize as an individual’s capacity to successfully apply coping skills in dealing with high-risk situations, without reverting to substance use, and their ability to self-regulate without the use of substances. The concept of recovery resilience has commonality to the notion of “recovery capital,” a phrase used in recovery communities to refer to the total internal and external resources that a person has available to find and maintain their recovery process. Recovery resilience relates to the internal resources of the individual. The aim of participating in a RRP is for people in recovery to develop a recovery resilience practice that will strengthen their internal resources, therefore contributing to their overall recovery capital, as well as promoting flourishing.
As a result of participating in this presentation, participants will leave able to:
(1) Provide a theoretical overview of recovery resilience and the importance of approaches using person-centered, strength and resiliency-based components; and,
(2) Incorporate the skills included in recovery resilience proven to be most effective.
*Submission of the conference evaluation form indicates your completion of the entire program.
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